Senate Minority Leader James Orengo now terms DP William Ruto's latest decision to back the proposed referendum as 'not sincere'.

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Over the weekend, Ruto shocked the nation when changed mind over calls to change the constitution but insisting it should not be about creating positions.

"Let those who want it come together, sit down and craft the question. However, let it not be about positions," he said.

In his view, Ruto accuses Raila Odinga of plotting to push for parliamentary system of government which would see introduction of Prime Minister position.

But Orengo, a close ally of Raila, insists that the changes will target areas with flaws in the constitution.

“I do not think he is sincere.He says he supports, but quickly says he does not support if the agenda is about creating position for the opposition.It has nothing to do with position. It is about making the systems better.Ruto is not sincere,” he said.

President Uhuru Kenyatta has remained mum over the re-energised calls to amend the constitution.

Initially, Ruto had dismissed calls to change certain clauses in the supreme law.