Nominated Member of Parliament Maina Kamanda now claims there were plans to impeach President Uhuru Kenyatta after his second reelection.

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The seasoned politician said the plans were thwarted following the March 9, 2018 handshake between Uhuru and his former fierce critic Raila Odinga.

Without mentioning the force behind the 'impeachment', Kamanda claimed the plan, interestingly, had even blessings of a section of MPs from Mount Kenya region.

The MP said the politicians were ready to betray their political kingpin and Jubilee Party leader due to the influence of 'money and greed'.

“The Head of State could have now been let down including by his own people if it were not for the handshake,” he said.

Although he did not state Deputy President William Ruto was behind the plot, it can be speculated the former Starehe legislator was apparently referring to the DP going by his recent remarks.

Kamanda has been accusing Ruto of undermining Uhuru by defying his call to stop early campaigns and has launched 'Kieleweke' team to counter his movements.

The MP, who has the backing of several legislators from Jubilee and opposition, has also been pressing Ruto to step down over corruption allegations.

Kamanda's remarks concur with what former Jubilee Vice Chairman David Murathe said recently when he said the handshake saved the President from 'blackmail' by MPs allied to the DP.

In an exclusive interview with a local TV, Murathe claimed the legislators could put conditions to Uhuru before passing any government agenda in the National Assembly.

“In terms of Parliament, there was some alignment which was making it possible for the DP’s side to blackmail the president. Like if you don’t do this, we won’t pass this. It was like they were holding a gun to his head until Raila came," said the former Gatanga MP.