Tamarind is an indigenous tree that has got a delicious and sour taste. It is known with its scientific name as Tamarindus indica. It has got the following benefits.

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Good for digestion

If at all you have a constipation or any digestive related problem, taking tamarind can be of great help. This is because they are loaded with fiber which is good for digestion. You can add tamarind to your meal or extract its juice and drink.

Boosts immunity

A good immune system is one of the best thing in a human being. It helps one’s body to fight against any disease. Tamarind is the best when it comes to boosting the immune system. Thanks to the antioxidants contained in it.

Prevents hair loss

Hair loss is the greatest enemy especially to ladies. Tamarind contains oxidants that make your hair strong hence prevent it from loss. Soak tamarind in water and obtain the liquid from it. Apply the extracted liquid on your scalp and let it sit for some minutes before washing it away.

Skin lightening

If you need to lighten up your skin, you don’t need to go for chemicals. Just get tamarind extract and add a spoon of turmeric into it to make a paste. Apply it on your face and leave it for twenty minutes then wash it away. It will lighten up your skin naturally.

Fights cancer

Tamarind is known as a cancer fighting agent. Consuming it will render you free from getting it. People who consume it regularly are likely not to be attacked by cancer.