Ukambani is among regions in the country where hot political contests are expected in 2022.

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Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua both from the region have declared their interests in succeeding President Uhuru Kenyatta during the next polls.

Other top politicians in the region have already started aligning themselves in readiness for the elections in 2022.

Women have not been left out of the succession alignments.

Here are the three female Kamba politicians who will shape the Ukambani's succession politics in 2022:

1. Charity Ngilu 

She is among the vocal and veteran female politicians in Ukambani and the country at large.

Governor Ngilu has a wealth of political experience and was the first female politician to contest for the presidential seat in 1997.

The NARC party leader is now serving as the Kitui governor.

She is among top female Kamba politicians who will shape the regions succession politics in 2022.

Ngilu has already declared support for Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka’s presidential bid.

2. Wavinya Ndeti 

She is former Kathiani MP.

Ndeti’s popularity continues to rise in Machakos and the large Kamba region. She has not given up on politics despite losing twice in a bid to be Machakos governor.

The former MP's political determination has seen her win followers in the recent months.

The Wiper politician will play a key role in Kalonzo’s 2022 presidential bid.

3. Rachel Nyamai

She is Kitui South MP serving the second term in office.

Nyamai is among few Kamba politicians who won seats in 2017's general election on Jubilee Party ticket.

She is a close ally of Deputy President William Ruto.

Nyamai has vowed to rally Kambas to vote for Ruto in 2022.

According to political analyst  Peter Ngure, the three top female politicians along with others will determine whether Kalonzo or Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua succeeds President Uhuru Kenyatta in 2022.
