Mothers play a great role in our lives. They are our superheroes and their efforts should never be taken for granted or go unappreciated.
They are unique humans with great powers. This is because they will go the extra mile to ensure their families are well off. The situations at hand won't matter.
Here is what makes mothers superheroes:
1. Are able to multitask
A mum can check out on the baby, cook, wash dishes and also welcome visitors all at the same time.
2. Forgetting self-care
Only mums will forget about themselves to ensure any other family member is cared for and feels comfortable. She will always give herself the last consideration after the others are okay.
3. Will always love you
Your mum will never stamp your feet even to the craziest and evil mistakes you will ever do. She will stand by you, protect and show how much she loves you.
4. She will always side by you
Your mum will never allow you to feel lonely or defeated. She will side with you on everything you have done even if it's a fight with your peers