'Nyama choma' (roasted meat) is a favourite dish among most Kenyans. It is one of highly regarded food due to reasons to known to Kenyans. 

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While you may think 'nyama choma' is associated with varied risks, it has untold benefits that you need to know.

According to Melodie Anne, a food scientist and human nutritionist,  here are among the benefits you can get from eating 'nyama choma':

1. Iron

Do you need more blood in your body? Well, you can simply boost the level of your red blood vessels by eating more 'nyama choma' often. Iron minerals are known for boosting and promote the development of blood cells. Eating this special delicacy is one way to fend off anaemia.

 2. Sodium

Roasted meat is a great source of sodium and your body needs this nutrient to balance and maintain the fluid in normal balance. It also ensures the proper functioning of muscles and nerves. 

3. Protein, fat and carbohydrates

These nutrients are also present in roasted meat. You don't have to rely on other foods like chicken to get enough protein. 'Nyama choma' is here for you. It can also help you build your muscles and generally the whole body.

Fats and carbohydrates are also present in it. 

4. Vitamin B12

This is another nutrient you can get from the meat. If you need your brain to function properly without the hassle and more blood cells, then you should consider this dish.