Prostitutes in Kisii town have come up with a way to ensures that are safe in their line of duty.

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Speaking to Hivisasa on Monday, Mary (not her real name) spoke out on how they do to ensure that does not get pregnant or infected.

"Before we get into the business, we ensure our customers have a condom on and it is us who help him put it on so that he does not prick it. If you refuse, we stop having any kind of business with you" she said. 

Putting in a condom wrongly may risk its bursting. During putting it on your nails may prick it causing fluids exchange.

After the business is over, Mary and her workmates ensure they help the client pulls out as they hold on the condom to avoid any possible spillage.

"We don't leave him to pull out by himself. We ensure there is no spillage at all. This way there is no fluid exchange which has kept us safe," she said.

Moreover, Mary admitted that that do not kiss their clients as this may cause infections.

"When the clients try to kiss we stop him in a kindly way and find an alternative to ensure he enjoys your services," she said.

Prostitution in Kisii town has become common among the young girls which have increased the level of HIV infections.
