Palm trees are perennial plants that can grow tall or short in shrubs. Most people recognise it as a religious plant signifying peace and abundance. 

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A palm tree is important in the production of oil rich in Vitamin E, fats, calories, antioxidants and carotenes. The oil is derived from the mesocarp of the palm fruits. It is also referred to as the red palm oil due to the presence of carotenoids that give it the red colour.

Here are the benefits of using palm oil:

1. Reduces cholesterol levels

Palm oil reduces the levels of cholesterol in the body and especially along the blood vessels thus reducing the incidences of heart attack and other great related diseases. This allows free blood circulation in the body.

2. Improves skin and hair health

The Vitamin E found in palm oil, contributes to the improvement and cure of any aces found on your skin as well as protecting the skin from direct sunlight. Vitamin E together with the antioxidants strengthens the hair and makes the scalp clean.

3. Boosts eyesight

The beta carotenes found in this oil improves vision while the antioxidants serve to destroy the free radicals that lead to cell mutation and breakdown.

4. Contains energy boosting properties

Palm oil is a great source of energy and its components provides the body with strength building nutrients and nourishing the body.