In any relationship, the couple never dreams of getting the attention that won’t last for long. The couple works hard to ensure that their interest in each other never reduces. Even though one has no power to control how his/her partner feels, there are things that one can do to make the relationship lively.
Here are some of the things that a spouse can do to create a conducive environment for the love to grow.
1. Don’t be monotonous
For you to have a long lasting relationship, you need to avoid being monotonous. If you happened to be sweet at the beginning of the relationship, the same spirit should be maintained all through. If you happen to change, this might kill the feeling that your spouse had towards you.
2. Allow each other timeout
If you are dating someone, that doesn’t mean that you should spend the whole time with him or her.Giving each other space helps a lot. This allows one to enjoy another part of his/her life that is not related to the relationship.
3. Be consistent
Keep doing things that interest him or her. It won’t be right enticing your partner with things that they like then all of a sudden stop doing them.
4. Appreciate each other
Partner’s love to be appreciated while in a relationship. By appreciating your man or woman, this will keep your relationship lively.