Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho is among the most influential politicians in this nation. 

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The county boss is known for his classy look and love for expensive rides. 

Joho has been 'killing' women softly with his beard signature. There are women who attend rallies not because of political ideologies but just to see Joho.

 The county boss knows how to dress for different occasions. He looks great when he wears casually and official. 

Take it or leave it Joho is among the men that every woman dreams of dating. He has been very vocal as far as the national politics is concerned. He drives cool cars and lives in a mansion in Mombasa. 

There are many things that women admire about him. He is also very eloquent. He articulates different issues with their seriousness they deserve. He has been very influential in the Coast region. He is considered among the politicians who could succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta once he leaves power. 

The governor has been ranked among the best performers during his first term in government. 

 Here are five of his hottest photos.

Governor Ali Hassan Joho [Photo/]

Governor Ali Hassan Joho [Photo/]

Governor Ali Hassan Joho [Photo/]​

Governor Ali Hassan Joho [Photo/]​

Governor Ali Hassan Joho [Photo/