Text messages are used for communication. However, it is easy for someone to lie through a text message. Detecting a lie through messages is not easy. However, there are certain things you can watch out for to know someone is lying. 

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Here are five crucial ways to detect a lie in a message;

Creating a diversion

People create a diversion in text messages by introducing new subjects. Someone who is lying to you will do this. They don’t want you to notice the lie they have just told you. 

Take long replying

Someone who takes a long time to answer a simple question could be lying to you. This might be a way of cooking the best lie thus taking their time to come up with a good lie. Honest people reply immediately.

Leaving the conversation half way

If you're talking to someone through text and they abruptly leave the conversation, this is a clear sign they were lying. They will be running away from your question which might be hard for them to answer. 

Sharing of irrelevant details

Someone who shares irrelevant details will be lying to you. This is a sign they want you to think they care a lot. Usually, someone who wants to lie will share a lot of details to confuse you. 

Giving vague answers

Someone who gives vague answers is a liar. If you ask someone a question and they reply with “I am not sure” or something similar, then this person is lying to you. Vague answers are a sign of a liar.