Every partner might be lying at some point in the relationship. However, it can become a disease when the lies become chronic and at no point a partner tells the truth. This can be dangerous since you may be living an imaginative relationship where nothing is real at all.
This is how to spot whether your partner is a chronic liar:
1. They always try to divert attention when caught
If your partner always tries to change the subject whenever you find out what he/she has done, there is an issue. Trying to be evasive is a sign that the message that was communicated earlier was not true.
2. They try to change the context of the story and everything seems not to be adding up at all:
In some instances, the stories he/she tells you seem to be mysterious and not make any sense even. They will change the version of the story that was told to you which makes it even more mysterious.
3. Nervousness, lack of eye contact and keeping a distance from you is something that will characterise them
When studied carefully, you will notice obvious signs that will make you realise the hidden truth. Whenever he/she is lying, he/she would avoid making eye contacts as well as trying to hide from you while nervous.