Getting married is every woman's dream especially when you think you are in a stable relationship and you have got the right man in your life.

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Most men do feel that the topic is scary. Some feel threatened to a point they end the relationship.

Here are a few reasons why some men avoid this topic about marriage:

1. Marriage is not a priority

Marriage is important and not urgent, some men will reason this way. That is why it is not a priority to some.

There are always so many things that men have placed as a priority in their lives and marriage is not one of them.

2. Fear of commitment

Marriage is a lifetime commitment which comes with responsibilities which scare men away. Not all men are responsible per se. 

3. Past experience

Everyone has their past love life experience. In instances where a man was deeply hurt, he tends to shy away from the marriage subject. He is held back by the pain and fear of his heart being broken once again.