Deputy President William Ruto on Friday appealed to Nyamira residents to respect their leaders. 

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Ruto said the elected leaders should be accorded respect as they deliver their development promises. 

"I take this opportunity to urge the people of Nyamira County to respect elected leaders and support them for the sake of achieving the development dreams," he stated. 

He claimed that local politicians who failed to clinch various political posts during the August 8, 2017 polls should not concentrate much on criticism. 

"Those who lost in the last election should know losing in an election is not the end of the road, there is always next time. Leaders in office must be given humble time to work around the clock to meet the development promises," he added.

Ruto was speaking when he officially opened CDF office in West Mugirango constituency. 

Present were area MP Vincent Kemosi, North Mugirango MP Joash Nyamoko, Kitutu Masaba MP Shadrack Mose and County MP Jersuha Momanyi. 

Ruto is currently attending a fund drive at St Joseph's Catholic Church in West Mugirango constituency, Nyamira County before he proceeds to Borabu constituency in Mokomoni where he will preside over another fund drive for 15 SDA churches.