Many Luo men still find it hard to cope with urban ladies, opting to instead fetch them from the villages of Luo Nyanza.

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Though a tough and long process which involves the deployment of female relatives to scout for 'good women', to many it is the best option.

Many young men admire the strength, power and resilience of rural ladies, and their abilities to conduct a wide range of tasks, including the tiresome ones.

One of these is my uncle Alex Onguko whose wife was fetched from Nyakatch hills and delivered to him in Kisumu Town, and whose opinion is that rural women are the best.

"You will not hear her complaining that she is having back pains to avoid doing the laundry, she inspires me with her strength and skills for house chores," he says.

Isaiah Olima, a bodaboda rider at Ahero Town, Kisumu county says that he opted for a rural wife to avoid the many cases of wife disrespect in marriages.

"They know too much and cannot be corrected, I went for a rural wife to avoid fights, with her we can consult and correct each other maturely," says the man whose wife hails from Kamasengre in Suba.

Other men also engage in the same over the notion that many urban women are poor cooks, as a result of their love for ready foods, chips and pizza included.

The task of hunting for a wide is normally left for aunts and other elderly female relatives.

Ironically, they normally seem to survive marriage waves, despite not emanating from love.
