It now emerges that Kodiaga Maximum Prison in Kisumu has been disposing its raw waste into a river from which locals fetch drinking water and supplies for home use.

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Admitting the same on Tuesday, Kenya Prisons Commander Isaiah Osugo said that the correctional facility has been releasing its waste into the nearby River Saka.

He said that the government has set aside Shs 6 million to salvage the situation, saying that his office is working on upgrading the pipes which have been in use since the 1950s.

He noted that the funds will also be used in fencing the facility to keep vandals eyeing the new material to be used in the upgrading at bay.

"We have agreed to upgrade the pipes and construct an inlet, outlet and concrete chambers. Unfortunately, the manual covers were vandalised and this calls for the fencing of prisons," he told the Nation.

Mr Osugo made the announcement when he toured the prisons in the company of Nyanza region prison bosses.

He noted that they will form committees with other involved institutions to tackle the situation.

"We are going to form a users committee comprising of the prison's officials, NEMA, county officials and members of the community," he added.

Osugo's remarks followed a series of cholera outbreaks both inside the prison and among the communities living around the facility.

The correctional centre currently holds about 3000 inmates and remands.