Nakuru is the fourth-largest town in Kenya after Nairobi, Mombasa, and Kisumu.

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Nakuru is the base for political temperatures and also the residence of many political heroes and activist.

The history of Kenya as a country is closely intertwined with that of Nakuru.

The first and second presidents of Kenya Mzee Jomo Kenyatta and Daniel arap Moi have residences within the city.

The town for a long time has been a hotbed of Kenya's politics. It is also home to some of Kenya's vibrant politicians like the late Kariuki Chotara, Kihika Kimani, and the late Mirugi Kariuki.

Another firebrand politician from Nakuru is Koigi Wamwere.

Nakuru town is a cosmopolitan county.

Owing to the diversity of the people who make up the county, it has featured prominently in the politics of post-independence Kenya.

Nakuru hosts Nakuru state lodge where Mzee Jomo Kenyatta reportedly loved most.

 It was here that Mzee Kenyatta hosted peace talks. He would spend at least two weeks at the lodge.

This shows how important Nakuru is when it comes to Kenya's politics.