Residents of Nyamira are divided over the decision by S. K Macharia owned Egesa FM to host an open leadership forum this Friday at Viongozi Center.
Radio head Nancy Omweri has already invited local leaders, professions and ordinary people to the meeting that is set to discuss progress achieved since the inception of devolution.
"You are all invited for a consultative meeting at Viongozi Center, hosted by Egesa FM. We shall discuss matters development," she wrote.
Egesa FM controls airwaves both in Kisii and Nyamira Counties but it's facing rivalry from government owned Minto FM, with integrity and accuracy in reporting being at the center of dispute.
A section of residents allied to Governor John Nyagarama have already dismissed the meeting, arguing that it's I'll intentioned.
"We cannot allow Egesa to propagate it's anti-government agenda in Nyamira. They are biased and we know their motives," said George Momanyi.
Another supporter Sammy Charana added: "Resist Egesa FM at all costs. Nobody is attending the said forum. The want to use it to milk the county dry."
But some defended the meeting, insisting that it will help track the county's agenda through informing and educating the public.
"We shall attend the meeting so that we can put the government into task. Those spreading ill about the station should desist."
Ms. Omweri insisted that the forum will go on as planned and it will be aired from 6pm local time on Friday.