It is exactly one year since the 2017 repeat presidential election that was boycotted by opposition NASA coalition leader, Raila Odinga which President Uhuru Kenyatta won by a landslide.

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On the local political scene, former Mombasa Senator Hassan Omar who made an unexpected move to dump Wiper Party for the ruling Jubilee, is still fighting for his political life.

A key figure in the Jubilee campaign team ahead of that decisive repeat presidential election, Omar is yet to enjoy the fruits of the new government that he was almost guaranteed to to be part of.

Even as the clock ticks, the former Wiper Secretary General is 'nowhere to be seen'. What has become of the man who took Mombasa politics by storm in 2013 en-route to a convincing win in the senatorial race?

Over the last few months, Omar has kept off high-profile political events in the region. His supporters remain in the dark on what his future political plans are and so are his opponents.

Will Omar finally emerge from the shadows and clear the air over his future plans? Or is he planing to ambush his rivals as a way to political redemption?