Coconuts are mostly found at the coastline of Kenya and are a source of coconut water and meat. Coconut meat is usually used in cooking especially in the making of soup. When ripe, the coconuts are broken and the meat scooped out.

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Here are four health benefits of consuming coconut meat. Link,

1. Source of fibre

Coconut meat is a great source of fibre in the body which is essential for balancing blood pressure and reduce the risk of diabetes.

According to Semantics Scholar, coconut meat contains more fibre than wheat or barn. Fibre also helps in smooth digestion and movements of the bowel.

2. Improves levels of potassium in the body.

Coconut meat is proven to boost the levels of potassium in the body which is vital for regulating blood pressure and stimulate neural activity. 

A cup of coconut meat contains up to 600mg of potassium.

3. Reduces the risk of anaemia

Coconut meat supplies the body with iron which helps in the supply of oxygen in the body. It also helps in boosting your energy levels and maintain healthy muscles.

4. Source of proteins and amino acids

Coconut meat contains 17 amino acids out of the needed 20 for the formation of proteins. 

This helps in strengthening of muscles as proteins build connective tissues while maintaining an elastic body.