Depression is a common problem in one’s life, and it is very normal. 

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 You need to eat certain foods when you are depressed to help you overcome it. Below is a list of such foods;


Tomatoes contain folic acid and lycopene components which are responsible for fighting depression. 

Consume as much as you can to beat depression.


Chocolates, especially dark chocolates are essential in the blood flow to the brain. 

It also helps one to concentrate and have a good mood.


Eggs contain zinc, vitamin B and omega-3 fatty acids. 

These components help in fighting depression.


Ripe bananas are very important fruits in the human body. 

They have been proven to be the best fruits for depressed people. 

Eating one or two bananas a day can help fight depression.

5.Green vegetables

Green vegetables are nutritious to the body, and they help in fighting depression. 

Some good examples of these greens are spinach and kales. 

They contain magnesium which is essential in increasing the level of energy to the brain.


Mushrooms are good for our mental health. 

They help to lower the blood sugar levels in our bodies by opposing insulin.


Potassium and omega3 fatty acids present in avocado are essential in our mental health. 

They enable the human brain to work at an optimum level.


Berries like strawberry, blueberries and blackberries are the best for a person trying to fight depression.