Born in 1970s, Aisha Jumwa Katana schooled at Takanga Primary School and Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT).

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The politician was elected Kilifi Woman Representative on March 2013 through the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM).

She served as a member of the National Assembly Departmental Committee on Environment and Natural Resources before being elected Malindi MP in August 2017, beating Willy Mtengo.

As Malindi MP, Jumwa was appointed commissioner to the Parliamentary Service Commission by ODM, before shifting her political allegiance to her party leader, Raila Odinga's political opponent Deputy President William Ruto. 

She was once arrested over hate speech remarks with other CORD Members of Parliament and taken to Muthaiga police cell.

At the station, she lamented after being released, saying: “Though there was water and we could clean ourselves, no human being should be subjected to such treatment. The situation was inhumane and is not even fit for criminals. We were not allowed to change our clothes. Imagine a woman staying in the same clothes for four days. Visits by relatives and friends were denied."

"Most of our relatives came but they were not allowed to see us. Only my son and CORD co-principals were allowed to see us once. I will go back to Muthaiga and pay for the refurbishment of the floor of the cell where I spent three days, so that the next ‘guests’ can stay in a dignified place.”

The lawmaker seeks to succeed Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi in 2022.
