Migori Governor Okoth Obado will temporarily stay at his rented apartment in Migori town, several miles from for Rapogi palatial home.

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The county boss returned quietly on Friday evening after spending 34 days in Industrial Area prison and Gigiri police station over the death of Sharon Otieno.

And a journalist close to the givernor, who spoke in confidence says Mr. Obado made the decision of avoiding his multimillion home in Rapogi after consulting his legal team.

"He is keen not to violate the court order that restricts him from coming close to Homa Bay County. This made him to now use State House in Migori.

"In fact, he has been meeting church leaders, family and friends in Migori since Saturday. That is where he will be based mostly," he said.

In her ruling when giving Obado Sh5 million bail, Justice Jessie Lessit warned Obodo against coming close to Homa Bay-Migori border, asking him to keep a radius of 20 kilometres.

The Uriri home falls within the radius thus the decision to keep off from his own premises. Initially, there were plans to appeal the ruling but information now remains scanty.

Obado, his aides Michael Oyamo and Caspal Obiero will return to court in May next year for the trial of Sharon Otieno's murder.
