First dates are the most critical step in any dating adventure. How it turns out says a lot on the direction the relationship will take. 

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Its failure and success are dependent on that first date. As such, there are things you should focus on doing while others should be avoided like the plague.

But why should the first dates always be short? Well, here are the simple reasons why you should always keep it short:

1. You have not known him/her yet

The first date is when you are probably meeting for the first time.

 Everything seems to be in the dark because you have not known anything about each other yet. 

They could be the most boring people ever even though they seem quite outgoing in the past few conversations or chats you have had on the phone. 

You should, therefore, come up with reasons to make sure that it does not go beyond a certain period. 

It is good to leave your date in some sort of suspense and the need to pursue or see you again. 

A short first date will bring you that kind of power.

2. Long first dates could lead to sex

Keeping the first date as short as possible saves you from the danger of developing false intimate feelings and passion. 

If the date takes too long, you could easily get intimate after exhausting all that is there to be talked about.

You may also find yourself giving in and making promises that will seem awkward in normal life circumstances.

3. Shorter dates cost less

This may not be the best reason to keep it short, but the truth remains, the shorter the date, the less the money used to make it a success. 

Think about how much you feel you should spend on that date considering you are just beginning to know them. 

A short date where you only have a cup of coffee and say goodbye is better than the one spanning over a couple of hours and extending into dinner. 

Such dates will leave you counting losses, and the perception of the other will slightly be unhinged regardless of who financed the date.

