Kisii town is one of the biggest towns in the Nyanza region. It is best known for its economic value.

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However, the town is yet to catch up with new trends which makes it very easy to stand out and become a celebrity.

With a good German machine, the likes of BMW and Mercedes, the people of Kisii will just promote you into one of their celebrity. 

They will always address you as 'mkubwa' and make you feel important.

The town is used to Toyota cars and any introduction of a real machine brings the town into a standstill to give you the best attention. 

Do you want a feel if importance? Just shine in your ride. Partying has become a lifestyle in Kisii which has made it a norm. 

As soon as the people of Kisii spot you as a party kid, who does expensive drinks and classy slay queens, you automatically graduated from a commoner to a celeb.

I once heard people address a guy as "Ule msee wa kuchafua clabu na madem na pombe amekam. Atatunyaganya madem". 

Hardly do they know you, but you just famous. Kisii people like their own music and through this, musicians who have composed songs about the town and its people become one of the celebrated people. 

No matter how bad the song might sound, they will praise you. With this, they will give you maximum attention.

Remember owning a modern play station shop in Kisii, there are only countable PS4 stations, makes you a celebrity by default.

Just bring Nairobi's trends to county 45 and acquire the class.
