Prostitution in Kenya is widely practiced. Survey reports indicate that there are more than 100, 000 prostitutes in the country.
Men are reportedly said to have a penchant for sex more than their female counterparts. These men constitute the rich and poor, old and young, disabled and many others.
There are several motives and reasons that drive men into seeking for prostitutes services including the following:
1. Curiosity
Men are visual beings and are frequently turned on or aroused by these half-naked women that impress their sight. They also visit prostitution dens to explore how it 'feels' away from home.
2. Unquenchable needs
Sex has it's own distinct pleasures. Men will claim to be sexually starved hence visit brothels to have their 'needs' satisfied.
3. Revenge
After finding out that their partners have cheated on them, some men play tit-for-tat by visiting brothels to make it even.
4. Breaking virginity
Several young men in their early 20s are virgins. They are still afraid of approaching girls and expressing themselves. They lack self confidence and the easiest thing to do will be visiting a certain dimly lit street with brothels to experience how it feels.