Marrying a Kalenjin woman is one of the best things any man can do. 

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Women from this community are beautiful, respectful and hardworking. However, there are conservative Kalenjin in-laws who will not allow their daughter to feed on certain foods when she is expectant. 

If you have married a Kalenjin girl and you are planning to have children, note that she is not allowed to eat the following four foods;

1. Eggs

Traditionally, a pregnant Kalenjin mother is not allowed to eat eggs. The reasons for this restriction is that eggs cause colic pain in the baby. It is also believed that they cause high blood pressure and fattens the baby.

2. Meat

The love for your Kalenjin wife might make you plan to feed her enough meat. Unfortunately, they are restricted from the same. According to this tradition, meat brings misfortune to the baby and the mother. It also makes the baby big, which can cause birth problems.

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3. Oily food

Oily food is another red zone because it makes the baby’s saliva to ooze. It is also associated with casing colic pain to the baby. This demands that it has to be avoided.

4. Cabbages and kale

In case you are too broke to depend on sukuma wiki and cabbages, your in-laws will not allow it. It is believed that the vegetables give a mother nausea and are not nutritious. Elders believe that the chemicals used to grow and care for them until maturity is not good for an expectant mother.
