ODM leader Raila Odinga has issued a warning to Kisumu County politicians over unity. 

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According to Raila, politicians from the region should remain united in order to push for the development of the region.

Raila was in the area in preparation for President Uhuru Kenyatta’s visit next. He pointed out that Kisumu harbours a lot of potential and disunity among leaders was acting as one of the biggest barriers towards development.

The former Premier added that Kisumu residents should come together and welcome president Uhuru when he visits.

Ahead of the trip to Kisumu, Raila has been given the responsibility of ensuring that the tour runs smoothly without any hitches. 

He urged locals not to harbour any hard feelings against President Uhuru Kenyatta since they are in good terms following the handshake.

On the increanment of MPs salaries, Raila stated that the legislators were wrong to award themselves hefty perks while Kenyans were suffering.