Marriage is just like any other relationship that needs to be taken care of for it to grow.
Both partners need to give each other enough time and attention if they want to be happy in their marriage.
If this doesn't happen often, things are likely to change in that relationship.
Some couples enter into marriage with false ideas of how marriage should be like, hence making their marriage life so hard and unbearable.
This is something that mostly affects young married couples.
Here are some signs your marriage is heading to divorce:
1. Rampant conflicts
In every relationship, there must be conflicts about various issues, and every couple experiences it once in a while.
However, when these conflicts start to be rampant, then know that your marriage is headed in the wrong direction.
This is because no person enjoys staying in a marriage that has no peace.
2. Body language
Your body language speaks a lot.
When two people in a relationship start avoiding each other, or treat each other differently, this is likely to tear them apart hence leading to divorce.
3. Unfulfilled expectations
Most people get into relationships with too many expectations which sometimes are not fulfilled.
When some expectations are not fulfilled, there is a high chance for couples to start viewing things differently, and this might result in them parting ways.