Text messages reveal a lot about someone’s personality, behavior and even style. You should be keen to notice any red flag from his texts so that you may know his hidden agenda.

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Here are types of texts he’d send that are major red flags. 

1. A text meant for another girl.

If he mentions your name on the wrong text, be on the watch because you might be among those he’s preying. He might try explaining that he never intended to do so and insists that the text was meant for a friend but he has already shown you a red flag. He is a player, cut off your relationship.

2. Sorry I never saw this text earlier

Such a guy is a serial cheater and a professional liar to. This is because he has been using his phone throughout and claims not to have seen your text. This is a lie used by most guys to make an excuse for late replies. 

Do not fall for him, flee, he’s not worth your time.

3. Where and who are you with 

If he always asks you about where and who your hanging out with, this guy would deny you personal space and privacy in a relationship

This means he cannot trust you and always feels insecure. You need to be with someone who would let you live independently. Take a break if he starts sending such texts.