Embattled Malindi MP Aisha Jumwa on Saturday shared platform for the first time with Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho amid simmering tension between the two leaders.
In recent months, Jumwa has accused Joho of masterminding her ouster from ODM, even though the governor has remained silent on the matter throughout Jumwa's tribulations.
And recently, Jumwa dismissed calls by Raila Odinga to apologise to the party for her reinstatement, insisting that she has nothing to lose after all.
“I have heard what my party leader has said. But I want to take this opportunity to ask him to demand a brief from Nec on what transpired when I appeared before it,” Ms Jumwa said.
“By asking for an apology, I don’t know if Mr Odinga is saying that I should repeat what I told Nec or not. But to make it clear, he should demand records of the Nec proceedings. Everything is in there.”
But on Saturday, Jumwa shared podium with Joho at Malindi during recording of the Churchill Show, the two politicians were seen embracing each other and smiling in front of the public.
"For the first time Churchill Show live in Malindi yesterday night! It was amazing to host the whole Churchill show crew Daniel "Churchill" Ndambuki aka Mwalimu King'ang'i Karibuni tena Malindi. Thank you for the love Malindi people," Jumwa wrote without referring to her meeting with Joho.
During a public rally held at Malindi days after her ouster, Jumwa accused Joho of only saving Msambweni MP Suleiman Dori, who had also defied the party but said nothing about her tribulations.
Mr Joho is the senior most ODM leader from the coast and is key in Raila Odinga's decision making process within the Orange party.