Diabetes occur when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin hormone required to carry sugar from bloodstream into the cells.

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 When you are suffering from diabetics, you are likely to experience different pains that may be mild or severe. 

Here are pains that are common in people with diabetes

1. Painful muscle cramps 

From a biological point of view, muscle cramps occur when there is an involuntarily contraction of the skeletal muscle. You may feel the pain on your waist and at times, on the feet, thighs and even the arm . 

This condition is attributed to diabetic neuropathy , a condition characterized by nerve damage. It is also reported that high or low levels of blood- glucose bring about the condition. 

2. Back pain

Ever wondered why you experience a back pain? Well, it is reported people with diabetes are likely to experience this condition. 

A study indicate that the main cause of the back pain has not yet been established but it was confirmed that the condition is associated with diabetes.

 3. Diabetic nerve pain 

The pain is characterised by nerve damage and it is most common in people with diabetes. A number of factors and conditions have been linked to this condition like prolonged exposure to high blood sugar levels wreck the nerves. 

Other minor factors that bring about the condition include alcohol consumption, smoking, genetic factors and inflammation .