Members of Garissa County Assembly (MCAs) have finally approved the County Municipal Charter (CMC) that seeks to upgrade Garissa town to the status of a municipality.
The charter that was adopted last week on Thursday, will enable the county government to effectively plan for the efficient delivery of all devolved services. Upon establishment, the Garissa Municipality shall be run and governed by a board of governors that shall be a corporate entity with perpetual succession.
Among the services that will be undertaken under the new body include the provision of efficient and accountable management of the affairs of the Municipality, Provision of a governance mechanism that oversee uninterrupted service delivery, pursue all available development opportunities within the Municipality while instituting such measures necessary for the maintenance of public order among others.
At a similar session, the MCAs also approved a health motion on Cancer Screening, Diagnostics and Treatment.
The Motion sponsored by Hulugho MCA seeks to have county government tasked to set up a Cancer Diagnostic Laboratory to enable locals to detect the ailment that is claiming lives at an alarming rate.