Very funny how it happens that these pretty girls around are single. I've been wondering what would make a beautiful girl stay single for too long but after some little research and thoughts, I gathered three major reasons why these beautiful lasses are single;

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1. Pretty ladies have less trust for men

This is the major reason why those pretty girls around you are single; they have no trust for men. 

Why? Because they think men wouldn't love them for who they are but for their beauty. 

They live thinking that men only lust for them because of their provocative appearances. 

2. Every man assumes they have a boyfriend

This is another common reason. As a man, when I come across a very beautiful woman, what comes first in my mind is "she definitely has a boyfriend, she can't be single" and this happens with most men. 

They find it hard to believe that these very much pretty girls are single. But the truth is that most of them are single because men fear to approach them.

3. Most men believe the competition is fierce

Another reason I found out is that these ladies are single because most men believe the competition is fierce. 

They assume she is very pretty and every man wants her so they back out due to fear of rejection or heartbreak. 

The fact is that this isn't how it is in most cases. She might be that pretty but no man has ever approached her.