Mentorship begins at a tender age for a better future, in a family, fathers are known to take care of the sons whereas mothers are responsible for mentoring daughters.

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Here are ready things every father should tell his son as he models him into a future responsible man.

1. Avoid multiple women

It's said that women can destroy the life of a man, every father should tell his son this as a means of caution. 

A good father should tell his son to find one woman to spend the rest of his life with. 

2. Always respect your wife

A good man should respect every woman including his mother and his wife, a father should tell his son this just to ensure he grow into a respectful and successful man.

3. Stay faithful to the mother of your children 

Men need to be reminded frequently to stay faithful to their wives. A father's word would help in guiding a son through marriage. 

4. Always trust in God

This is the most important thing a father should let his son know at a younger age, God is the giver of life and everything. A father should tell his son to be prayerful and faithful to God always. 
