The Deputy President Dr William Ruto presided over the 9th graduation of the Rift Valley Technical Institute, in Eldoret, Uasin Gishu County.

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He revealed his presence at the ceremony in a Friday tweet.

"Presided over the 9th graduation ceremony at the Rift Valley Technical Training Institute, Eldoret, Uasin Gishu County, " the DP's tweet read.

He assured those graduating that the government was keen on improving the quality of education to ensure that those graduating have the skill sets that are required in the job market.

"We are expanding access to quality education and recalibrating our technical training curriculum to match the labour market demands. This would provide the youth with adequate competencies, core employability skills, work experience and job-search abilities, " the deputy president said.

The DP went on to say that the government was deliberately investing in technical facilities in the country in a bid to grow the talent pool in Kenya and also to inject momentum in efforst geared twoards the Big Four Agenda and the Vision 2030.

"The deliberate investment in our technical education sector not only scales up Kenya’s talent pool but also establishes requisite environment for implementing and attaining sustainable and inclusive economic growth through the Big Four agenda and the Vision 2030, " the deputy president tweeted.