Fire has gutted down Gekendo Boys secondary school dormitory which accommodates 100 students in Nyamira North, Nyamira County.

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Confirming the incident on Saturday,  Nyamira North OCPD Robert Kipsom said the fire broke out on Friday evening at 9pm.

Nothing was salvaged from the dormitory as the area residents tried their best to put off the fire but never succeeded leaving the students in a stranded situation.

“We don’t know the course of the fire and I can assure that we have commenced the investigations to know what caused the fire in this school,”said Kipsom.

It is said that the fire engine from Nyamira County government delayed to arrive at the school prompting area residents to blame the county for not responding to fire incidents in time within the county.

“If the fire engine was to arrive in time students’ properties could have salvaged we call upon the county government to always respond immediately to this incidents to save the situation," said George ombeo area resident.

During the incident nobody was injured and the area residents have urged well-wishers to chip in and help students who lost their properties. 
