At least three Egesa FM presenters had to run for dear lives on Friday evening after a dialogue meeting convened by them ended prematurely.

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Nancy Kwamboka, Sorobi Moturi and Lawrence Nyakundi had to swiftly run to their vehicle as angry locals took on Nyamira county leadership head-on over what they term as incompetence.

Trouble started when Mr. Sorobi put the speaker on spot over Sh379 million building which is a matter of public interest.

For some moment, Speaker Moffat Teya struggled to answer Mr. Moturi's questions prompting fellow MCAs to suspect witch-hunt from the moderator.

And angry MCAs stood up, besieged the speaker, accused the moderator of being unfair thus prompting reactions from locals who had attended the event.

With chairs now being thrown indiscriminately at Viongozi Center in Kebirigo, four ministers, MCAs, the speaker and the three radio hosts had to scamper for safety.

The dialogue meeting was meant to interrogate the county government and the assembly on the progress so far since the inception of devolution.

Governor John Nyagarama had snubbed the event, only deploying four ministers who were equally at pain to explain the progress.

None of the leaders who survived the ordeal have come out in public to defend or condemn what transpired on Friday evening.
