Kalenjin community will probably reject a proposed wife due to a number of reasons. This community is known to be humble, violent and more holy compared to communities associated with darkness.

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If a lady has values that the community deserves, she will be welcomed, respected and supported. In a case where some unwanted traits are detected, a lady will be rejected immediately. 

Here are some reasons why a lady can be rejected in the Kalenjin community:

1. Witchcraft

If she comes from a family which practices witchcraft.

Most Kalenjin families are holy even though they might not be attending church services. Witchcraft is rarely heard off in this community. 

In case there are rumors that the woman hails from a family which practices witchcraft, she will be rejected. They consider such ladies as bad omen. Members of the Kalenjin community believe that such women bring problems and misfortunes to families which they get married to.

2. Cannot respect husband's parents

Respect is a core value among the Kalenjins. A lady is supposed to follow what she is told by new parents. Elders are perceived to be right than young people. If a lady seems not to value and respect her to be husband's parents, then she will be forced to go back to her parents.

3. Dressing code

Some dressing codes are not accepted. A lady in Kalenjin is not supposed to put on a trouser as this is men's clothes. Clothes that expose nudity are prohibited. If a lady dresses unpleasantly, she will be definitely rejected.
