A middle-aged man was on Monday night arrested after he was caught raping neighbour's cow.

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The incident was confirmed by Muthwani sub location Assistant Chief Peter Kisangi who said that the suspect was caught red-handed by the owner of the cow in the cowshed.

He said the suspect even tried talking the owner into accepting they settle the matter without involving the police.

"The owner heard commotion in the cowshed and went to find out what was happening only to find the naked suspect 'busy'with one of his cows, the suspect wanted an out of court settlement," said Kisangi.

Th Chief said that after he was notified about the incident he went and apprehended the man and handed him over to the police.

Chief Kisangi termed the incident as shameful and urged residents to avoid indulging in such disgraceful acts.

"People should act their age, why would an aged man with a family and grown-up children act in such a shameful and despicable manner?" 

He said that the man is held at Mbumbuni police station awaiting arraignment in court after investigations are over and observed that bestiality cases are slowly cropping up in the area and anyone found culpable will surely face the law.
