Hackers are all over the internet nowadays.

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Even though your password is only known by you, they can at times crack it and access your account. 

That means they will have control over your own account and they can do anything they wish to.

In case you are wondering if your Facebook account could have been hacked, watch out for these signs:

1. Friend requests you never sent

Do you receive notifications that people whom you never sent friend requests have accepted to be friends with you? You have every reason to be suspicious.

2. Posts you never posted

You have probably seen people complain that they never posted something on Facebook. 

If someone hacks your account, they can post stuff like porn and your friends will be wondering what you’ve been smoking lately.

3. You can’t log in

Well, you might have forgotten your log in details if you are the type who takes years before logging in to Facebook. 

But if you have been using the same details and you are sure that they are correct and you still can’t access your account, something is amiss. The person who hacked your account could have changed the password.

4. Your friends are complaining

If your friends are complaining about receiving strange messages from you or that you are sharing weird stuff yet you are not aware, consider changing your password.

5. Strange access locations

Facebook tracks the location from which you log in. If the ‘security and login’ section on your account shows a login from a strange location, it means someone could have hacked your account.

To be safe, it’s advisable to change your password regularly.
