Most people dream of cutting their expenditure. This requires an individual to make some sacrifices which can either be painful or painless. Spending money is good but if you can avoid spending too much it becomes awesome. Here are four painless ways to cut your spending.

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1. Always shop with a list

It is normal to go to the supermarket with an intention of buying a few items but you end up picking more items that you never intended to buy. You can always avoid this mess by having a shopping list which will guide you on the items you are to shop for at the time.

2.Carry snacks

Snacks should be kept at hand always to avoid eating out which is expensive. It is essential to have a bottle of water or biscuits in your purse or drawer to feast on in case hunger strikes you.

3. Avoid name brand products

Brand products are awesome as they make you be classy yet they are very expensive. Always go in for store brand which you can easily negotiate for a lower price because they are as good as the name brand products.

4. Plan your meals

Planning for your meals becomes easier when it comes to cooking. For instance when preparing for dinner you can list down all the ingredients needed. This enables you to even go for the cheaper ones and thus cutting the expenditure without struggling.