The Luo council of elders in the company of Father John Pesa of Coptic Church have dismissed the information that they were intending to endorse DP William Ruto as preferred presidential candidate in 2022.

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Led by chairman Nyandiko Ongadi, the elders said that they were not expecting Dr Ruto to preside over a fundraiser in Kisumu on Sunday as widely reported by the media.

“I was invited to the thanksgiving meeting to support the church. My office had no political agenda that was to be discussed during the meeting,” said Ongadi as quoted by standard digital.

It’s reported that political leaders and clergy men had gathered waiting for second in command to attend the function only for Ruto to send his ally Governor Paul Chepkwony to represent him.

The fundraiser concurred with the tight schedule of DP Ruto who attended Mass along President Uhuru Kenyatta in Kiambu. After that, Ruto toured Naivasha for another function.

On Saturday, Ruto was in Kisumu where he attended installation of new Archdiocese leader, Bishop Philip Anyolo and shared podium with ODM leader Raila Odinga.

The DP is trying to make inroads to Nyanza, a region which has traditionally supported Raila Odinga. Mr Odinga is yet to declare interest ahead of 2022 polls.