Feeling inseparable with your partner in a relationship is a good thing especially if you truly love each other. 

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However when this feeling becomes to much, this could be a clear sign that your too attached to your partner.

Here are 3 signs that would tell if your too attached to your partner.

1. You slowly disconnect from your family and friends.

Spending quality time with your family and friends is important but being over attached would not allow for this. 

You always spend time with your partner making it hard for to visit your family or go out with friends. 

2. Your partner has to be present at all times.

This might sound romantic but it is a clear indication of being over attached. You become too dependent on your partner and you cannot perform a task without them being present

This harmful as two people in a relationship should be able execute duties freely without feeling inferior.

3. Your partner becomes the only source of happiness.

It is healthy for your partner to be the reason why you smile, but when they become the only reason, this is quite dangerous. This means that if you break up with them, you would not be able to create your own happiness. This shows that you're over attached to your partner.