Prostitution in many big towns has become very rampant. It would be barely impossible to visit many streets at night and fail to see several sex workers.
Prostitution rates are increasing day by day in the country.
Below are things 'clients' will never run away from:
1. Guilt
Men without self-control are driven by their sexual desires after seeing nice 'goodies' displayed at certain places. Most are brought up in Christian and traditionally accepted values, they feel terrible and regret paying for sex as this act is regarded as an immorality by the society.
2. Money wastage
Those with sex obsession tend to spend their money on these 'service providers' rather than building a life for themselves through saving. Having been rejected severally by women, they end up looking for prostitutes who demand cash payment.
3. Being robbed
There are notorious sex workers who won't hesitate from stealing your cash and gadgets. Some may even use sedative drugs to make clients unconscious and rob their money. They may also coerce and blackmail weak unsuspecting clients.
4. Sexually transmitted infections
Prostitutes have multiple 'business partners' that put the clients at risk of contracting sexually related diseases like HIV and syphilis. Vulnerability increases for those who don't use condoms.
5. Troubled marriage and divorce
Some women deny their husbands their 'rightful obligations'. These men end up visiting prostitutes for intimacy and sexual pleasures; this brings emotional disconnection to their wives. Cheating has ruined marriages.