Jubilee Party Secretary-General Raphael Tuju has supported the pact between President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga noting that it has enhanced the security of his kin. 

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Tuju said that before the March, Friday 9, the handshake between the two leaders, it was difficult for his family members to move around his rural home for being anti-ODM party. 

He made the remarks on Monday in Rongo constituency during the burial of Migori Senator Ben Oluoch. 

The former Rarieda MP also stated his delight that he could also read a condolence message from Uhuru in an ODM predominant area that has for long been believed to be anti-Jubilee.

 “I am happy I can now read the president’s speech in Migori, this spirit of the handshake has even made my mother go to the market in peace,” Tuju said. 

Tuju mentioned that Siaya Senator had hinted to him that the area residents were welcoming and would not throw shoes at the rival Jubilee party. 

The departed Migori senator was praised as a peace-loving leader and his burial ceremony was attended by ODM leader Raila Odinga, Senate speaker Kenneth Lusaka, Kisumu Senator Fred Outa among other senior government officials. 

Senator Oluoch succumbed to throat cancer on Tuesday, June 19.