Even after his arrest on Friday evening, Lugari MP Ayub Savula's family is not yet off the hook, it has emerged.

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The second term lawmaker was arrested for allegedly defrauding government almost Sh123 million from Government Advertising Agency (GAA).

And his two wives Melody Ringera and Hellen Kemboi are among the 23 people recommend for prosecution by DPP Noordin Haji over the loss of close to Sh2.5 billion from the agency.

By Monday, DCI George Kinoti's team would have apprehended the two along with ICT Principal Secretary Sammy Itemere over the fraud.

Trouble started when one of the dailies published an Editorial in which the agency was accused of running local businesses in bankruptcy.

Currently, the GAA, despite millions of allocations from the government, owes a number of local media houses over Sh3 billion for business transacted.

In-depth investigations by DPP indicates that over 99 ghost companies some of them owned by the MP were direct beneficiaries of the fraudulent transactions.

The crackdown comes in the wake of renewed efforts by President Uhuru Kenyatta to crack whip on cartels running government bankrupt.