Some things can make a woman silent.

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It is upon the man to find out what is going on through her mind. 

The silence could spell doom. Here are four things a woman's silence means as outlined by

1. She’s heartbroken

Heartbreak is one of the toughest moments in a woman’s life. 

Women find it hard dealing with breakups. 

Silence is among the ways women deal with stress that comes with breakups. 

She might decide not to talk to get over the bad memories of breaking up with the love of her life.

2. She’s tired/ had enough 

A woman’s silence could also mean she is tired of everything. 

A woman in this state no longer wants to hear anything about you. 

It is clear that you have been a thorn in her flesh and she is contemplating quitting once and for all.  

3. She’s content

Some women can opt to remain silent because they are satisfied. 

You might be wondering why she chose to keep quiet, but the truth of the matter is that she is okay. 

A woman who is contented can decide to go mum. 

4. She’s deep in thoughts

 A woman can decide to go silent because she is in deep thoughts. 

Different things could make a woman think deeply. 

For instance, she might be thinking about her future spouse, career or children among others.