Parents often want the best for their children. 

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However, children should be given guidance and allowed to explore the world. 

Some parents are overprotective of their children. 

They never give them room to do anything on their own. 

If you are not sure whether you belong to this group or not, read on. 

Here are three signs you’re an overprotective parent:

1. You do everything for your children

Some parents are known to micromanage everything for their children. 

They never leave the children to do anything on their own. 

They even make the smallest decisions for them.  

A parent of this nature is likely to ruin his or her children.

2. Not teaching them to be responsible

 Children must be taught how to be responsible. 

They need to know that they are responsible for their actions. 

Never allow your children to do things only for you to defend them over the same.

3. Overly-Consolation

 Children need to be consoled, but you must do so reasonably. 

Some parents join their children to cry in the name of consolation. 

Such children grow up being weaker in life. 

Children should be reminded all the time that life is not easy. 

They should learn to do things on their own. 

They must be taught both sides of life.
