Following the surprise arrest and subsequent presentation to court of Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu, high court advocate and political analyst Steve Ogola has sought to explain why former DPP Keriako Tobiko never made any high profile arrest.

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Ogola speaking to Citizen TV on Wednesday said that Tobiko may either have been highly 'incompetent' or very 'compromised'.

"Why Tobiko never made any high profile arrest or prosecuted any high profile case successfully during his lengthy stay at the office of the DPP, can only be because he was either grossly incompetent or he was very compromised as an individual," Ogola said.

Ogola added that what the country is witnessing in the fight against corruption under DPP Noordin Haji, also means no one who has looted public funds is safe.

"By going to the second senior most person in the Judiciary means that not even the deputy president of this country is safe. If he is today found with a case to answer, we can be sure to see him in court," he said.

However, Ogola was quick to warn that Haji must be very cautious with 'some of these cases' noting that it would be devastating for the DPP to lose the cases in court.

The lawyer said that Mwilu's case would serve as a litmus test for Haji adding that he must win the case at zero option.

"What I want to believe is that the DPP has water-tight evidence against DCJ Mwilu because losing the case would have devastating consequences to him as a person and his office. But a win will be a huge plus for him and the war against corruption," Ogola noted.

Mwilu is yet to take plea in court after her lawyers on Wednesday asked for more time.